Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The BJP lost 2004 for a good reason

The ruling government in India for the last five years will be put to blame for many centuries together in future for the following reasons

1. The critical social upheaval in Sri Lanka which the Tamils suffered for many decades under pressure from not only Lankan government but also the LTTE

India's stand on this issue is a very critical one. Since the Congress government is in power it is facing a tough time and this cursed government should!

2. The utterly irresponsible, callous, negligent, senile response of the present government in providing justice to 26/11

Since such an event took place in Congress regime, they are solely responsible for this drama! No blame will stick to BJP in whatever form.

3. The worst possible treatment has been meted out to Varun Gandhi and Sri Gopalaswami. Accusations on Navin Chawla have been totally ignored!

Is this how a government would act? Is there any fairness in ignoring an exiting CEC's comments?

4. Public and unmitigated support for minority sentiments and so their VOTES

The hindus are the most tolerant of all civilizations. The presence of inequitous structures of concrete housing Semitic and anti Indian deities in the hindu backyard is proof of their supreme tolerance. Still the current Prime Minister emboldened and publicly claimed the hindu lands for minorities!

5. Economic downfall and shameless rejection of siphoning of Indian money to Swiss accounts!

Under this regime Indian people witnessed an economic downfall. The Congress partymen even rejected the presence of Swiss accounts exposing their hidden agenda in this matter

Overall, it was good that the BJP emerged spotless after these episodes. Nevertheless, the country would have become bold and would have strode with heads high with the BJP at the helm of affairs

Let us pray to Almighty that the BJP is given a fair chance in this election! Jaya Bharatham! Jai Sri Sai Nath!

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