Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Kali Yuga Election Mahabharatha Yuddham!

Here is my analogy for the 2009 Elections

Bhishma - is original Congress Party (founded on moral principles)
Drona - are the present senior members of the party
Ashwatthama - are the hateful party cadres who abuse hindus/sikhs
Duryodhana - The selfish politicians who use the country for their selfish ends
Shalya - Other parties which are opposed to the BJP like CPM, BSP
Karna - Pro-hindu members in the Congress party (unfortunate!)
Dhritharashtra and Gandhari - The people who were attached to Gandhi and Nehru (still voting blindly!)
Shakuni - is Sonia Gandhi
Kaurava Army 1 - The minorities who hate the hindus
Kaurava Army 2 - Hindus who were in Krishna's army but later given to Duryodhana
Kurushetra - India
Lord Krishna - are the voters and holy hindus who vote for the good and Nationalistic politicians
Dharmaraja - is L K Advani and other senior leaders who have vision
Arjuna - is Narendra Modi, Sushma Swaraj, Arun Jaitley, Arun Shourie and others
Bhima - are the RSS and the BJP and pro hindu cadres
Nakula and Sahadeva - are friends of the BJP (hindu priests, corporate leaders)
Draupadi - is the bliss that the Indian people are being deprived
Dharma - is the protection of the good and holy people
Victory - is bringing happiness, prosperity and delivering justice and honour to the Indian people

and finally...

Defeat - Is there any defeat when Lord Krishna is ever present near you?

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