Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Challenging anyone to come up with anything else other than these

The BJP has been accused of late in the following accounts. My challenge is that while the Con-gress party has umpteen flaws, you can restrict accusations on only the following fronts

- Kandahar (even though Congress was part of the consulted team)
- anti Minority (a lot of Hindus died in Godhra riots and even in Kandamal)
- Mangalore (no deaths, only some evil girls chastised)
- Advani's praise of Jinnah (the only secular Pakistani, this is being proved nowadays)
- Ram Janmabhoomi and Ram Sethu ... ARE ONLY YOUR GODS SACROSANCT OR WHAT!

Now I challenge any one here to give some reasonably unfavourable opinion of BJP! THERE IS NOTHING BUT SLANDER AGAINST BJP! VOTE BJP!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Kali Yuga Election Mahabharatha Yuddham!

Here is my analogy for the 2009 Elections

Bhishma - is original Congress Party (founded on moral principles)
Drona - are the present senior members of the party
Ashwatthama - are the hateful party cadres who abuse hindus/sikhs
Duryodhana - The selfish politicians who use the country for their selfish ends
Shalya - Other parties which are opposed to the BJP like CPM, BSP
Karna - Pro-hindu members in the Congress party (unfortunate!)
Dhritharashtra and Gandhari - The people who were attached to Gandhi and Nehru (still voting blindly!)
Shakuni - is Sonia Gandhi
Kaurava Army 1 - The minorities who hate the hindus
Kaurava Army 2 - Hindus who were in Krishna's army but later given to Duryodhana
Kurushetra - India
Lord Krishna - are the voters and holy hindus who vote for the good and Nationalistic politicians
Dharmaraja - is L K Advani and other senior leaders who have vision
Arjuna - is Narendra Modi, Sushma Swaraj, Arun Jaitley, Arun Shourie and others
Bhima - are the RSS and the BJP and pro hindu cadres
Nakula and Sahadeva - are friends of the BJP (hindu priests, corporate leaders)
Draupadi - is the bliss that the Indian people are being deprived
Dharma - is the protection of the good and holy people
Victory - is bringing happiness, prosperity and delivering justice and honour to the Indian people

and finally...

Defeat - Is there any defeat when Lord Krishna is ever present near you?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What is Patriotism?

1. Putting the country before everything else is Patriotism.
2. Refraining from harming the country's integrity, finances, resources, honour is Patriotism.
3. Giving one's blood to protect the honour of the country is Patriotism
4. When one's blood boils and tears well up at every hurt on the country that is Patriotism
5. Respecting the Law of the Land, respecting the mighty culture, values, liberty and equality is Patriotism
6. Serving the country as one's own mother... treating the country as one's own treasure, that is Patriotism
7. Considering Her success as one's own, and considering her failure as one's own is Patriotism
8. Avoiding her treasures as fire which scalds, and protecting them as if it was one's own, that is Patriotism
9. The Gods that herein dwell, the great men that herein trod, the great women that fed its men with milk from their bosom, respecting them is Patriotism!

Now tell me are the Congressmen, Communists, Lalu Yadav, Mayawati are these cowards, robbers, thieves and marauders Patriots?

Awake brothers and sisters, be strong... prostrate to the Lord and pray to Him to send these people to the place where they should belong!

Bharath Matha Ki Jai!

Man proposes God Sai disposes!

For the first time Sri Sathya Sai Baba cast His vote in the polling booth in Puttaparthi. This harbingers excellent news for the party for which Sri Sri Sai Maharaj has voted. Most probably that will be the party which wins the election this time and the leader of that party will ascend Prime Minister's kursi!

Given the challenges the hindus are facing the world over, the best guess I can come up with is that the BJP will come to power in a miraculous way! But man proposes Sai disposes. But surely the outcome of this election will be a great revelation.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The BJP lost 2004 for a good reason

The ruling government in India for the last five years will be put to blame for many centuries together in future for the following reasons

1. The critical social upheaval in Sri Lanka which the Tamils suffered for many decades under pressure from not only Lankan government but also the LTTE

India's stand on this issue is a very critical one. Since the Congress government is in power it is facing a tough time and this cursed government should!

2. The utterly irresponsible, callous, negligent, senile response of the present government in providing justice to 26/11

Since such an event took place in Congress regime, they are solely responsible for this drama! No blame will stick to BJP in whatever form.

3. The worst possible treatment has been meted out to Varun Gandhi and Sri Gopalaswami. Accusations on Navin Chawla have been totally ignored!

Is this how a government would act? Is there any fairness in ignoring an exiting CEC's comments?

4. Public and unmitigated support for minority sentiments and so their VOTES

The hindus are the most tolerant of all civilizations. The presence of inequitous structures of concrete housing Semitic and anti Indian deities in the hindu backyard is proof of their supreme tolerance. Still the current Prime Minister emboldened and publicly claimed the hindu lands for minorities!

5. Economic downfall and shameless rejection of siphoning of Indian money to Swiss accounts!

Under this regime Indian people witnessed an economic downfall. The Congress partymen even rejected the presence of Swiss accounts exposing their hidden agenda in this matter

Overall, it was good that the BJP emerged spotless after these episodes. Nevertheless, the country would have become bold and would have strode with heads high with the BJP at the helm of affairs

Let us pray to Almighty that the BJP is given a fair chance in this election! Jaya Bharatham! Jai Sri Sai Nath!

Friday, April 17, 2009

The great faults of the Congress party

- Partition was done when the congress were the largest party
- J & K was allowed to go out of control by Congress (Nehru)
- Pak occupied Kashmir and China occupied large areas under Congress rule
- Quattrochi swindled money under Congress rule
- Bangladeshi hindus were massacred and Congress did not do anything to help them
- Congress party took maximum lives of Sikhs
- Congress party unnecessarily meddled with Sri lankan affairs
- Congress party allows minority appeasement and does not give justice to the hindus
- Congress gives more and more reservation creating more and more rifts in hindu society
- The Congress undemocratically declared Emergency
- Congress was sitting and sucking its "thumb" when Tibet/Nepal and other places are influenced by Chinese

According to me, the most unfit, uncsrupulous and corrupt elements which has been summoned to destroy India (like Poothana was summoned to destroy Krishna) is the Congress. Hindus (Lord Krishna) unite and suck the life out of this devil called Congress (Poothana)!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Truth is whole and not piecemeal. None is above the law!

The Media looks at half truths. For instance if the media says "so and so is wicked because his hands were bloody". This is falsity or half truth. One cannot come to a conclusion that someone is wicked by seeing blood in his hands alone. One needs to investigate and determine why his hands were actually bloody. He could be a doctor who has just accomplished a major surgery. He could be a person who carried another patient to the hospital. Or he may have been a father who just saved his daughter from a gory rape by hurting the assailant!

By elaborating and then concluding on half truths the media again and again proves its partisan and false agenda. From olden days slanderers and rumour-mongers have inhabited and burdened the earth. They have not changed their ways and have taken on a new pleasing garb of an NDTV/CNN/Times news reporter clad in royal silk and wagging sweet tongues full of poison.

So when Varun Gandhi openly accuses certain sections of people of misdeeds, why is the media not probing into the truths behind these accusations? When Antulay's "sickular" horror statements are very soothing to them, or Mayawati or Karunanidhi lambasting adherents of Hindu faith in public is so welcome, why is it marking Varun Gandhi for his hate speech? May be the anti-National media is too busy with its agenda of spreading half truths. That should be the reason.

Hindus have to practice ethics, adhere to Law, be charitable and follow non violence. Media certifies the other faiths as above the law! Great work NDTV, CNN, Times! You prove that you are here for making money by sweet talk and slow poison. Next time you talk of honesty, integrity, search for truth and such things we know its just eye wash!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Which party spreads hate against the minorities?

The Congress is actually the party that spreads hate against "minorities". Let us consider that the number of people who vote for BJP are about 25% of the entire population of this country. Now if the Congress through the media, through speeches of its leaders, through gross misuse of government money for anti BJP propaganda spreads hate among people against BJP, is it not the Congress which is the party of Hate? Yes, the Congress is the very fountain of hate for anything Nationalist, anything Hindu, anything pro-Culture, anything relating to India's Unity. Avoid voting for the Congress at all costs! VOTE FOR BJP!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Media trying to whip up a family feud between Modiji and Advaniji

Today in the NDTV news the media explicitly extolled Narendra Modiji and then said Narendra Modiji was a better speaker than Advaniji. It also said that Advaniji's speech was scheduled before that of Modiji because people would leave after Modiji's speech and not stay for Advaniji's!! My question is, will the same evil and dangerously anti National NDTV Media discuss Kapil Sibal versus Pranab Mukherjee, or Antulay versus Arjun Singh, even Priyanka versus Rahul Gandhi? It is a different thing that all these people are not worth their salt, so its better to ignore them!

Media stands exposed for its pro-Congress, anti BJP stance. More importantly it stands exposed for its anti-hindu stance.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Analogy from the scriptures

Yudhistira was not given his due even though he was qualified to rule (L K Advani)
Duryodhana was born to blind rulers (Congress leaders) but was totally unfit to rule (Congress)
Shakuni (minority appeasement) prodded the Kauravas (supporters of the Congress and other members) to go against the Pandavas (BJP and its supporters)
Lord Krishna (good and noble hindus and their penance) is patiently mediating between these two teams.
When BJP (Pandavas) falls at the feet of Lord Krishna (the good and noble hindus) victory will be theirs! No one in the whole world can prevent them from winning!

Different expansions for UPA

Different abbreviations for the Congress Party's alliance viz. UPA

* Useless Pathetic Alliance
* Unpatriotic Pro-minority Association
* Unabashed Protectionism for Atrocities
* Unfaithful People (engaged) in Aggrandisement
* Unity in Pilfering and Accruing
* Unusually (a) People's Allergy
* Umpteen Pitfalls in Alliance
* U Please Avoid (this party)

Why denying IPL is like going back to the Neantherdal Age!

The denial by the government to allow IPL schedules to be held in the country reeks of two foul possibilities

1. The government feels that if IPL is held in India, Pakistan will be offended and so minority sentiment and vote bank is affected

2. If any untoward incident happens during the elections, people's anger might go against the already ineffective and indolent Congress party

The government should have taken a stand of strength, unity, courage and faith in the people and our country should have been made proud by hosting the IPL. Then the spirit of sports would have soared high and unencumbered by petty politicking. Now, are we not back in Neantherdal Age when fear, worry and personal gain used to dominate our spirit!

The Congress is a Pseudo Party

Lets take some examples

- They are all pseudo Gandhis (no ahimsa or love for Lord Rama)
- They are all pseudo secularists (appeasement of minorities)
- They are all pseudo uniform civil code
- They are pseudo Indians (Sonia Gandhi/Rahul Gandhi and others)
- They are pseudo pro-Sikhs (by making a sikh PM they hope to rid of their Karma, i mean sikh riots)

Finally they are pseudo development. See how the country has been taken for a ride by their policies.


Why we should vote for Sri L K Advaniji

Dear friends, Sri L K Advani is a strong willed, just, noble, experienced, honest and a person with integrity. The BJP is a party with a difference that is it is not only a party that advocates de-criminalization of politics, but also advocates a Uniform Civil Code. It affirms that India should be a Swadeshi country, it should be self sufficient and should become strong internally and externally. Vote for BJP for a better, safer, joyous and prosperous tomorrow