Sunday, March 29, 2009

Which party spreads hate against the minorities?

The Congress is actually the party that spreads hate against "minorities". Let us consider that the number of people who vote for BJP are about 25% of the entire population of this country. Now if the Congress through the media, through speeches of its leaders, through gross misuse of government money for anti BJP propaganda spreads hate among people against BJP, is it not the Congress which is the party of Hate? Yes, the Congress is the very fountain of hate for anything Nationalist, anything Hindu, anything pro-Culture, anything relating to India's Unity. Avoid voting for the Congress at all costs! VOTE FOR BJP!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Media trying to whip up a family feud between Modiji and Advaniji

Today in the NDTV news the media explicitly extolled Narendra Modiji and then said Narendra Modiji was a better speaker than Advaniji. It also said that Advaniji's speech was scheduled before that of Modiji because people would leave after Modiji's speech and not stay for Advaniji's!! My question is, will the same evil and dangerously anti National NDTV Media discuss Kapil Sibal versus Pranab Mukherjee, or Antulay versus Arjun Singh, even Priyanka versus Rahul Gandhi? It is a different thing that all these people are not worth their salt, so its better to ignore them!

Media stands exposed for its pro-Congress, anti BJP stance. More importantly it stands exposed for its anti-hindu stance.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Analogy from the scriptures

Yudhistira was not given his due even though he was qualified to rule (L K Advani)
Duryodhana was born to blind rulers (Congress leaders) but was totally unfit to rule (Congress)
Shakuni (minority appeasement) prodded the Kauravas (supporters of the Congress and other members) to go against the Pandavas (BJP and its supporters)
Lord Krishna (good and noble hindus and their penance) is patiently mediating between these two teams.
When BJP (Pandavas) falls at the feet of Lord Krishna (the good and noble hindus) victory will be theirs! No one in the whole world can prevent them from winning!

Different expansions for UPA

Different abbreviations for the Congress Party's alliance viz. UPA

* Useless Pathetic Alliance
* Unpatriotic Pro-minority Association
* Unabashed Protectionism for Atrocities
* Unfaithful People (engaged) in Aggrandisement
* Unity in Pilfering and Accruing
* Unusually (a) People's Allergy
* Umpteen Pitfalls in Alliance
* U Please Avoid (this party)

Why denying IPL is like going back to the Neantherdal Age!

The denial by the government to allow IPL schedules to be held in the country reeks of two foul possibilities

1. The government feels that if IPL is held in India, Pakistan will be offended and so minority sentiment and vote bank is affected

2. If any untoward incident happens during the elections, people's anger might go against the already ineffective and indolent Congress party

The government should have taken a stand of strength, unity, courage and faith in the people and our country should have been made proud by hosting the IPL. Then the spirit of sports would have soared high and unencumbered by petty politicking. Now, are we not back in Neantherdal Age when fear, worry and personal gain used to dominate our spirit!

The Congress is a Pseudo Party

Lets take some examples

- They are all pseudo Gandhis (no ahimsa or love for Lord Rama)
- They are all pseudo secularists (appeasement of minorities)
- They are all pseudo uniform civil code
- They are pseudo Indians (Sonia Gandhi/Rahul Gandhi and others)
- They are pseudo pro-Sikhs (by making a sikh PM they hope to rid of their Karma, i mean sikh riots)

Finally they are pseudo development. See how the country has been taken for a ride by their policies.


Why we should vote for Sri L K Advaniji

Dear friends, Sri L K Advani is a strong willed, just, noble, experienced, honest and a person with integrity. The BJP is a party with a difference that is it is not only a party that advocates de-criminalization of politics, but also advocates a Uniform Civil Code. It affirms that India should be a Swadeshi country, it should be self sufficient and should become strong internally and externally. Vote for BJP for a better, safer, joyous and prosperous tomorrow